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I could never understand how I can love and hate something so much at the same time. My family: amazing, crazy, funny, weird, unusual, out of the ordinary and mine. Though my family isn't normal, I would not exchange them for anything in the world. I have never seen my parents together, so I guess I never really had a chance to feel about their not being together. I am my mother’s first, and my father’s last… at least I think so. I was a ¨surprise¨ as mother likes to put it.




a picture is worth... combines the skills of literacy, critical thinking, communication, photography, technology and essay writing with crucial values of integrity, self-awareness, empathy and leadership to provide a standards-based high school curriculum. 

This creative and dynamic program—a collaboration between Threshold Collaborative, photographer Janice Levy and I-LEAD’s charter school in Reading, PA—provides youth with the opportunity to find their voice by crafting indelible stories about their lives and sharing them through audio, photographs and written essays. 

a picture is worth... was born from a need to address Reading’s “unwelcome distinction” in 2011 from The New York Times as America’s city with the highest poverty rate, extraordinarily low college-degree attainments and elevated high school dropout numbers.

Please visit for additional essays, photographs, audio and video files, the curriculum and a wide range of integral resources.

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© 2017 by threshold collaborative  P.O. Box 512 North Bennington, Vermont 05257 (802) 440-1575  email us!

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