North Bennington Vermont Train Station
Saturday June 8, 2013 - 9 am to 5 pm
In this exciting and practical workshop we will teach you how to do oral histories and develop a storygathering project. Collectively, we will create an audio history “tour” of North Bennington through interviews with local residents who will provide vibrant recollections of the people and places that make this Village so unique.
We will cover: Audio Equipment ✰ Interview Skills ✰Values & Ethics of Oral History Basic Photography ✰ Audio Editing ✰ Archiving & Sharing Stories
Teachers: Alisa Del Tufo & Amy Anselmo, Space is limited Please register by June 4th. Cost: $85
If you have a smart phone, iPad, laptop, digital recorder and/or camera, please bring it to the workshop and contact us about apps and software needs. We will be using a free trail of Hindenburg Journalist and field recorder at the workshop. We will also have digital recorders and mics available to borrow.
Contact: Alisa Del Tufo (802)440-1575 for more information